Port-Vendres is a setting of biodiversity. In the heart of the Gulf of Lion Marine Nature Reserve, the town and port’s commitments constantly honour nature. Here are a few reminders of the steps to take in order to actively participate in preserving the area.
To avoid pulling it up with the anchor, here are the correct steps to take:
Moor in the clear areas (with sandy bottoms).
Download theDONIA application to become familiar with the marine bottoms and avoid anchoring in the sea grass beds.
Lift the anchor directly above and into the boat.
Limit fishing to the authorised sizes and species.
Request information from the Inter-Regional Directorate of the Mediterranean.
As a reminder, in Occitanie, sea urchin fishing is prohibited from 16 April to 31 October.
Report any uncommon species to the local networks.
Do not encourage their dissemination by transportation or uprooting (anchor, flippers etc.).
Before heading out to sea, choose products with little packaging.
Bring your waste back to shore and use the recycling points.
Choose plant-based or eco-labelled cleaning products.
*grey water: water from indoor (sink, washbasin, shower) and outdoor (dock, bridge) washing
Use the marine toilets far from the coast.
Empty the collection tanks at the port.
*black water: waste water from toilets
Limit the water consumption for the rinsing of the boat.
Use a flow reducer for all your water installations.
Arrange for the regular maintenance and review of the motor by a professional: it will work better and pollute less.
In the absence of a refuelling station, preferably use a manual pump to avoid any potential spills.
Quai Joly, BP 37 66660
Port-Vendres Cedex – France
Tel : 04 68 82 08 84
VHF : Canal 9